Taking Charge of Me and my Self-Care!

An image that say self care is empowerment. Remember it’s ok to put yourself first so you can come back stronger than ever

If you’re like me, you’ve had to juggle a demanding job, motherhood, family and it has impacted your confidence and time for yourself. You often felt it was selfish to have any time for you. ‘Me time’ and taking charge of me and my self-care was not an option with the long ‘To Do’ list each and every single day.

Hello! My name is Colleen Evans!

A headshot of Colleen Evans taken outdoors on Jun 8 2023 smiling and just completed my self-care for the morning
June 2023

You have to realize that you must take care of yourself first.  You can’t be the best Mom, wife, friend, daughter or sister if you don’t start to put you above all else. You might think that sounds selfish, it’s not. In order to be the best of you for the important people in your life, you must have a Self-Care plan designed just for you.

Woman sitting on sofa with legs crossed reading a book. Veribage is self-care, noun. The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health

Self-Care is all about the practice of managing how you can provide better maintenance for your own mindset and well-being. As a result, it is very personal and all about YOU.

Self-Care is so important for our physical, mental and emotional health! It’s not selfish, it’s necessary for YOU! There are many ways to improve your well-being and implement Self-Care in your life to make you look good, more importantly, feel good about yourself.

A blue image with women’s faces with self-care isn’t selfish it is necessary

What do you do for your own Self-Care?

  • A walk
  • Improving your sleep routine
  • Journaling
  • A hobby or a few
  • A healthy lifestyle
  • Reading
  • Using clean skincare
  • Lighting a candle
  • Using better-for-you cosmetics
  • A relaxing bath
  • Inspirational, customizable jewelry
  • Coffee or tea with friends

It would be fantastic to uplift your spirits, enhance your well-being and get through daily challenges if you change the obstacles in your life with improvements to your Self-Care. In today’s world, it is very difficult to find a balance but when you do, you will be better for the ones you love and all those around you.

I would love to inspire women of all ages to feel positive and confident about themselves so that we all ‘Sparkle’ through effective, toxin free skincare, skin-friendly cosmetics and empowering jewelry.

A picture of a lady’s neck wearing 2 empowerment necklaces, one is a cross and one is a semi colon

My motto is “Never dull your Sparkle! Spread light, love and kindness! Remember, Goodness is Love in Action!”

At, Think Goodness, our Vision Statement is to be a ‘GLOBAL FORCE FOR GOOD’. We want to deliver random acts of goodness that bring joy and happiness to people.  Every order equals a random Act of Goodness!

Think goodness image explaining random acts of goodness

I’d love to stay in touch with you! Please do me the privilege to serve you and provide you with more value by joining my email list and receiving my gift to you. Thank you!

veribage that says until next time, stay safe and be kind. Colleen